مهم نیست چند بار تماشاش کنم... Breakfast at Tiffany's یکی از زیباترین فیلمهاییه که تا حالا دیدم
و چند تا دیالوگ آخرش هم که... آخرشه:
You know what's wrong with you, Miss whoever-you-are
You're chicken... You got no guts
You're afraid to say: OK, life's a fact
People do fall in love... People do belong to each other
Because that's the only chance anybody's got... For real happiness
You call yourself a Free Spirit... A Wild Thing
You are terrified somebody's going to stick you in the cage
Well, baby... You're already in that cage
You built it yourself... And it's not bounded, by Tulip, Texas, or Somaliland
It's wherever you go
Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself
این دیالوگ آخر شاهکاره ... البته شما شان تون بالاتر از این حرفاس که مخاطب اون باشین ولی واقعن مخاطبای این دیالوگ کم نیستن .... و دختره هم کم شبیه خیلی از داف های کلیشه ای نیست .
اوه پس تو هم مثه من بله؟؟